Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Ode To Black Friday!

As we all know the Friday after thanksgiving is BLACK FRIDAY. If you have ever gone you know hoe CRAZY they can get! Things getting thrown around and ripped apart and i am just talking about the people that go there. My sisters, mom and have I have gone for the last 3 years. This year My Mom, Cami, Katie, Jensen, Jake, Brittney and myself went this year. We got to Wal-mart at 4:oo Am in hopes of getting 4 girl leapsters for the little girls. There was a HUGE group of people that were standing waiting for them to unload the leapsters. Cami and i had a plan we would be on one side of the cart while our mom was on the other. The clock finally hit 5 and we were off! People were ripping things out of others but thankfully we were able to get the 4 leapsters that we needed! We thought we hit it big time! Then we adventured over to target where we get our movies for Christmas. We got the movies we wanted and the other things we where hoping to get. As our tradition goes after we go to target we to get some breakfast we went to Burger King and stuffed ourselves with yummy yummy food! we finally got home around nine in the morning the only thing to do were take a long and deserved nap!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love you Callie bear!!!