Saturday, October 23, 2010

well..... that was.....interesting.....

So... by the title of this blog i am sure you are just dying to know what was so interesting. SO here we go :)
I'm friends with this guy named david and a couple of weeks ago i told him that i had some feelings for him well.. this morning i start to text him and he asks if he could come over and tell me something. I didn't really know what to think about it so i didn't. we went on a drive and come to find out the thing that he wanted to tell me was that he didn't like me but he is starting to like this other girl. which is kinda sad but at the same time I started to kinda stop liking him so it wasn't that bad of a thing. :) But it always kinda stings when the person you had a crush on doesn't feel the same way and the girl he is starting to like went to your high school and was in classes with you haha random i know. Here is the Quote of the week :) enjoy
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

xoxoxo callie

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Hello my fellow bloggers :)
Since i have not written in more than a month lets have a little chat shall we??
School is going good! I'm learning the cha cha which is super fun! I think the best part
of learning it is having my friend brad learn it with me! We both can't stop
laughing so it's just amazing! My other two classes are going... well they are
going good! It's always interesting to go to ancient civilization class and talk about
"dancing with the stars", "Jersey Shore" and whatever else my teacher thinks we need to learn about that
day haha! It was wonderful to get to my sister Katie on thursday! She is such a joy in my life. One of the best things
about my katie is if i EVER need to talk about anything or need anything she'll always be there. I am so thankful for
her in my life! She is one of my dearest of friends and i love her and miss her so much while she is in texas, But thankfully
I get to see her soon!!! YAY!!!!
I'm going to try to start a thing called "QUOTE OF THE WEEK" a QOW if you will.
so here is this weeks :)
"The past is behind, learn from it.
The future is ahead, prepare for it.
The present is here, live it.”
Pres. Monson
love, callie xoxox